Scouts Rushed In


long walk to the camp site

Scouting off we go.  We walked from one station to another.  Activities here and there. Such a tiring one!  The kids seemed so tireless. “Nuey li yang, one teacher asked.”  And they replied, yang mai neuy!”  I managed to smile a little bit, but yes, I was really tired from walking under the mighty heat of the sun.

roll me down

roll me down

Thai people love the word camping.  Somebody told me, this is the meaning of fun for them.  True, it’s fun. However, it’s not just all fun but it’s also educational. They learned many things from the challenges they’re tasked to do.  Some were brave enough to do the challenge but some were not.  If one took the challenge and passed it, then they’ll have that self-achievement reward most fearful persons cannot have.

Then, all you know it’s night time already.  Ah, Bonfire!  Such a night to remember!



All groups showed their comical skit and I can’t even understand most of what they have said.  I guess, action speaks louder than words and yes, I laughed with them so easily just as if I understood every bit of it.  Crazy? Of course, not!

friendship circle

friendship circle

What I liked most was when we all gathered in one big circle while everyone was holding hands.  We sang the last song for the night – Auld Lang Syne, a mark of good friendship.  All you know, it’s bedtime and all of us rushed off to dreamland.  Thank God for the strength!