
River Kwai (pronounced as Kw-ey) is an unusual exciting place to visit while in the Western part of Thailand. The best time to visit this river is first thing after sunshine. I can guarantee an awesome and unusual experience when you get up close as an inch away from a passing train. People stand on the railways to take photos and selfies as the train approaches. We do not get this kind of experience in other places. If ever you find your way in this place, do not miss the chance to take a selfie on the passing train along the River Kwai bridge.

San Juanico Bridge

Each place has its story to tell. Where I grew up has marked history as one of the strongest cities in world. Surely, there is no place like home but this place survived the strongest typhoon ever recorded in 2013 – Haiyan.

Tacloban is just a small city that’s surrounded by water. One of its remarkable spot is the longest bridge in the Philippines that was built in this place – the city where I grew up. History wrote that this bridge was built out of love. Even if it was slightly damaged by that Monster Haiyan but it still stands beautifully and still serves it’s purpose.
