Transience of Life

Life is transient and temporary.  We do not know when’s our time to leave this temporary life.  But while we have everything at it’s best, make sure not to waste the only life we have for nothing.  Do something worthwhile while time allows us to do the many wonderful things in this world.  We do not want to look back where only emptiness reside in our hearts.  Life is not black and white.


sunglasses on the beach

We would not want to walk alone with no memories to cherish.   As we cross life’s road, collect as many memories as the sand and hold them in the deepest chambers of our hearts.  In the end, we will still be happy because we are not empty inside.

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flip flops on a rocky sea sand

And while we’re still journeying, try not to forget that the most beautiful things in this life is with the word L-O-V-E.  Love the people who makes us happy.  Take some time to walk in the seashore.  The steps we take may be transient but the memories will always stay.

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bay walk couple

Be passionate.  Kiss more often.  Say ‘I love you’ and mean it.  Life is but temporary but love lasts together with the memories we made with the people we love.  So, let us spread L-O-V-E!

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a love to last